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Choosing a Care Facility

Top 5 mobility aids in 2020:

Mobility aids are devices designed to help people who have problems moving around enjoy greater freedom and independence. In Australia, over 600.000 people with disabilities or injuries, or older adults who are at increased risk of falling, choose to use mobility aids to be more independent, to reduce their pain, and to increase their confidence and self-esteem. Going where you like, and staying mobile has a significant impact on your overall quality of life. Therefore, you want to make sure that you have the...
Top 5 Mobility Aids In 2020 Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
Electric Wheelchairs

Establishing a good fall prevention strategy is imperative for people with reduced mobility and for the elderly. Falls can result in serious injury and require extensive rehabilitation. An assessment in the home environment by an Occupational Therapist or Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) is a really useful resource and should be considered where required.

There are several areas within the home to be considered and the bathroom in particular should be assessed due to the increased potential to slip on a wet floor. Fortunately there is...

Preventing Falls in the Bathroom – 5 Easy Tips to Stay Safe
Choosing a Care Facility

When considering the purchase of equipment for patient lifting and transfers there are some key considerations that will assist with the decision making process.  Whilst both options ultimately perform the same function there are some large differences.  Other than the main benefit of reducing injury to carers in the workplace or home environment and thereby reducing the cost of injuries for a facility or business there are other some other differences to help decide on what best meets your needs.

Molift Rail System and Gantry

Before comparing Ceiling ...

Ceiling Hoists vs. Mobile Lifters. Which Solution is Best for Your Needs?
Creating a safe and comfortable environment can immensely decrease the stress and struggle in everyday life. At Patient Handling, we recommend investing in mobility aids and other equipment to meet your needs and assist an independent lifestyle. ROLLATORS AND WALKERS Falling or tripping is the main reason for injuries for patients and elders, and walking aids can reduce this risk significantly. Walking accidents include minor bumps but can also lead to severe injuries such as fractures and breakages. Walking aids comes in many shapes a...
When the time comes for deciding whether to stay home or to leave the familiarity of the abode and find residence somewhere else, there are several things to take into consideration. In-home care and nursing homes both have their pros and cons, so we've created a quick guide to help you make the best choice for yourself or a loved one. How much help do you require? Deciding how much help and assistance the person in question needs can determine whether a nursing home would be beneficial or not. If the main requirement is to have a companio...
It can be intimidating deciding for the best option in a jungle of pressure sore cushions. To make this choice a little easier for you, we've put together a little guide of questions you should ask yourself. Pressure sore cushions are great for preventing or relieving pressure sores that appear from sitting or laying down for longer periods of time. How do I avoid bedsores? Bedsores or pressure sores can best describe as a pressure injury and appear when areas of the skin and underlying tissue are under current pressure or friction. ...
When your body is less agile, muscles stiff or joints begin to ache, simple tasks can be more difficult. Therefore it can be more challenging to go about your normal daily activities independently, whether the limited mobility comes from disability, age or chronic pain. Living aids are beneficial for people who want some assistance when doing daily tasks. They simplify the process of a simple task by decreasing any strain on your body, such as getting in and out of the car safety or opening a bottle. There are many different daily livin...
It is essential to take care of your wheelchair, it is both an investment, and it provides you with mobile freedom. If your wheelchair breaks down, it can cause an inconvenience for you, but more importantly, it can put you in danger. In order to keep your wheelchair maintained and operating, be knowledgeable about your wheelchair. So here are some tips on how to have a long-lasting and safe wheelchair.
  • Organise your equipment Organise your equipment so you have a set of tools that you will need to have on hand for maintenance and...

[Display_Products id="43715,43624,43499" ]When selecting the right electric wheelchair for your needs we like to gather information from our clients to pass on to others to assist with making the right decision. Below is some advice from one of our TA-iQ electric wheelchair users who purchased their chair from us in 2013.

1. Chair Size: If the chair is to be used both indoors and outdoors the footprint of the wheelchair needs to be small enough to negotiate tight corners and narrow doorways. The TA Indoor Wave is designed just for ...

Occupational therapists (OT) works with individuals of all ages to encourage and enable effective participation in the occupations of everyday life. Occupational therapists work with people who experience difficulties in these areas for any reason and are present in both physical disability and mental health services. Occupational therapists also aim to facilitate successful adoptions of disruptions in lifestyle, prevent losses of function and improve or maintain phycological status. The occupations of everyday life include:

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