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The Benefits Of Medical Sheepskin Explained

Pressure sores are easy to prevent, both in-home and at hospitals and aged care facilities. Still, they are widespread amongst people who spend all day seated or laying down. What is the solution? Sheepskin is known for distributing weight evenly and can help with taking the pressure off certain areas of your body. If you’re...

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 24, 2022
The Benefits Of Medical Sheepskin Explained

What Mobility and Transfer Products Are Covered by NDIS

A fundamental part of the NDIS is Assistive Technology that enables access to necessary equipment and mobility aids for the participants. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the scheme supported by the Australian Government and aims to empower permanently disabled Australians. The idea with Assistive Technology is to assist the participants in living a...

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 24, 2022
What Mobility and Transfer Products Are Covered by NDIS

Great living aids that will support your independent living

When your body is less agile, muscles stiff or joints begin to ache, simple tasks can be more difficult. Therefore it can be more challenging to go about your normal daily activities independently, whether the limited mobility comes from disability, age or chronic pain. Living aids are beneficial for people who want some assistance when...

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 24, 2022
Great living aids that will support your independent living

Keeping your wheelchair running: 5 Maintenance tips.

It is essential to take care of your wheelchair, it is both an investment, and it provides you with mobile freedom. If your wheelchair breaks down, it can cause an inconvenience for you, but more importantly, it can put you in danger. In order to keep your wheelchair maintained and operating, be knowledgeable about your...

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 24, 2022
Keeping your wheelchair running: 5 Maintenance tips.

5 Most Important Things to Consider When Buying an Electric Wheelchair

When selecting the right electric wheelchair for your needs we like to gather information from our clients to pass on to others to assist with making the right decision. Below is some advice from one of our TA-iQ electric wheelchair users who purchased their chair from us in 2013. 1. Chair Size: If the chair is to be...

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 24, 2022
5 Most Important Things to Consider When Buying an Electric Wheelchair

​The Role of an Occupational Therapist

Occupational therapists (OT) works with individuals of all ages to encourage and enable effective participation in the occupations of everyday life. Occupational therapists work with people who experience difficulties in these areas for any reason and are present in both physical disability and mental health services. Occupational therapists also aim to facilitate successful adoptions of...

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 24, 2022
​The Role of an Occupational Therapist

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