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Improving Mobility In Your Home: Quick Fixes To Make Your Life Easier

Creating a safe and comfortable environment can immensely decrease the stress and struggle in everyday life. At Patient Handling, we recommend investing in mobility aids and other equipment to meet your needs and assist an independent lifestyle. ROLLATORS AND WALKERS Falling or tripping is the main reason for injuries for patients and elders, and walking...

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 25, 2022
Improving Mobility In Your Home: Quick Fixes To Make Your Life Easier

Understand NDIS and How You Can Benefit From It

In July 2013 a trial phase of the NDIS was commenced, known as the NDIS Launch. After recommendations from the Productivity Commission. Australia replaced their previous system of funding people with disabilities. So, what is the NDIS? The NDIS is short for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and provides fundings and support to people with disabilities under...

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 24, 2022
Understand NDIS and How You Can Benefit From It

4 Reasons Why A Lift Chair is A Must for Elderly Independent Living

Are you finding it difficult to stand up once seated down? Or are times when you have a hard time walking up the stairs becoming more and more common? Nearly half of all Australians over the age of 75 suffer from some disability, and many of these are related to stiffness in muscles and joints....

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 24, 2022
4 Reasons Why A Lift Chair is A Must for Elderly Independent Living

The Ultimate Home for People With Reduced Mobility

When you picture your dream house, what do you see? Perhaps an old mansion out in the countryside? Or maybe a modern apartment in the inner suburbs? If you are living with reduced mobility, it will only be the dream house if it’s modified to your comfort and convenience. We have outlined the most important...

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 24, 2022
The Ultimate Home for People With Reduced Mobility

Home Care vs. Nursing Home: How to Evaluate the Best Option For Your Needs

When the time comes for deciding whether to stay home or to leave the familiarity of the abode and find residence somewhere else, there are several things to take into consideration. In-home care and nursing homes both have their pros and cons, so we’ve created a quick guide to help you make the best choice...

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 24, 2022
Home Care vs. Nursing Home: How to Evaluate the Best Option For Your Needs

How to Choose The Right Pressure Sore Cushion

It can be intimidating deciding for the best option in a jungle of pressure sore cushions. To make this choice a little easier for you, we’ve put together a little guide of questions you should ask yourself. Pressure sore cushions are great for preventing or relieving pressure sores that appear from sitting or laying down...

Created by abhinav sharma
Created January 24, 2022
How to Choose The Right Pressure Sore Cushion

Preferred Suppliers for the Healthcare Industry Since 2003

Patient Handling is founded on a sound base of great staff, great products and great partners. We strive to put our clients needs above all else and focus on well thought out solutions for complex needs.

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