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Understand NDIS and How You Can Benefit From It

In July 2013 a trial phase of the NDIS was commenced, known as the NDIS Launch. After recommendations from the Productivity Commission. Australia replaced their previous system of funding people with disabilities. So, what is the NDIS? The NDIS is short for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and provides fundings and support to people with disabilities under...

Created by abhinav sharma
Last Updated January 25, 2022
Understand NDIS and How You Can Benefit From It

In July 2013 a trial phase of the NDIS was commenced, known as the NDIS Launch. After recommendations from the Productivity Commission. Australia replaced their previous system of funding people with disabilities.

So, what is the NDIS?

The NDIS is short for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and provides fundings and support to people with disabilities under the age of 65, as well as their families and carers.

While still expanding over Australia, and being trialled in Western Australia, the programme will be fully implemented in 2019. By this year, around 460,000 Australians will receive support for their individual needs.

What are the main objectives of the NDIS?

Established under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act), the NDIS follows certain objectives.

These include supporting independence and societal participation amongst people with disabilities as well as providing necessary supports to do so.

Fundings through the NDIS allows people with disabilities to exercise choice and control and promotes the continuity of high-quality support and access to financings.

Who has the right to NDIS?

Any disability falls under the NDIS, and you can get support as long as it is registered and as long as the funds are in line with the individual goals.

To be eligible for the NDIS support, the participant meets with the NDIA to discuss what finances and support are necessary and meets the individual goals reasonably.

After 12 months another meeting is held to follow up on improvements and if any changes should be made.

The NDIS requires the participant to be accessible and meet the following requirements:

– live where the NDIS is available

– meet the residency requirements (be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or Protected Special Category Visa holder)

– meet the disability requirements

– be under the age of 65

How can you benefit from NDIS?

Fundings apply to different areas, such as education, social participation and health and well being.

Early evaluations of the NDIS shows that 76% of the participants are satisfied and enjoy the control and independece the comes from this.

People report that they’ve noticed improvements in areas such as health and well-being and social participation.

With fundings from the NDIS, the participant may be supported in daily personal activities, transportation to different locations (such as school or the gym) and workplace help. Even a gym card can be a part of the individual NDIS plan.

A participant can also be supported with household tasks, redecorating and vehicle modifications that require assistance.

Take the NDIS into consideration if you require support and fundings for your disabilities. A system as such can substantially facilitate the everyday life and provide the support and finances you need.

The NDIS has been the ‘underfunded, unfair, fragmented, and inefficient’ system and is now growing and expanding to meet the needs of disabled people and to, later on, close this gap.

If you’re further interested in learning more about the NDIS, have a look at their website.

At Patient Handling, we support the NDIS.


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