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Wheelchair & Scooter Ramps

Wheelchair & Scooter Ramps

Wheelchair ramps are a cost-effective solution that can drastically improve the quality of life for those with limited mobility. It allows those who need assistance to gain independence and give them a sense of freedom as they navigate around their home. There are a number of different ramps available including portable ramps, scooter ramps, pathway ramps, and so much more. There are a few brands that provide these ramps such as Decpac, Peak, and Pride. Your loved one will experience these benefits from using wheelchair ramps.

· Easily Navigate Doorways – Some homes were built with obstacles such as high thresholds. Many wheelchair users often have a difficult time getting over these thresholds and it can cause the user to exert a lot of energy. There are ramps specifically designed to help those with limited mobility to navigate around the house easily and enter rooms that may have been difficult to access before.

· Easily Enter the House – Many houses have stairs leading up to the front door and this can be a challenge for those confined to a wheelchair. Sometimes, family members or caretakers may take on the responsibility of carrying the wheelchair inside, but this can take away the autonomy of the wheelchair user. Installing a ramp can help the user regain independence.
· Independence – Wheelchair users want to feel independent and be able to navigate their home on their own. Installing ramps throughout the home helps to create an accessible lifestyle that allows wheelchair users to be on their own.
· Showering Alone – Bathrooms can be tricky to navigate with a wheelchair and ramps can help users get into the bathroom easier. It can also give uses the ability to shower alone with privacy.
· Outdoor Access – Exiting the house on your own while confined to a wheelchair can be incredibly difficult. Portable ramps allow users to go as they please and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine the outdoors has to offer.
· Access to the Car – There are wheelchair ramps specifically designed for cars, SUVs, and vans. The type of ramp used can vary based on the user, the car, and safety concerns. Ramps designed for cars allow the user to enter and exit easily and even drive alone without the help of a caretaker.
· Running Errands – When multiple wheelchair ramps are installed throughout the house and in the car, wheelchair users can run errands without any assistance. Things like grocery shopping, picking up the mail, and running errands is fairly easy.
· Privacy – Ramps give those in wheelchairs the freedom to be alone without caretakers or family members needing to constantly visit.
· Inclement Weather – For many wheelchair users, navigating through water puddles as a result of rainstorms is a frequent occurrence. When the yard becomes damp, avoiding this area is the best way to prevent the wheels from getting stuck in the mud. Ramps can offer a safe alternative to accessing grassy areas that may be muddy due to rain.

Installing wheelchair ramps, scooter ramps or portable ramps offer unlimited benefits and the sense of independence it offers wheelchair users is priceless

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