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Patient Evacuation Aids

Our Evacuation Aids are designed for carers to assist people with mobility issues in the event of fire or major emergency. If you need any assistance in choosing the right product, do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. View other products in this category here:  Slide SheetsWalk Belts, Patient Transfer Aids

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What are patient evacuation aids?

Evacuation aids are products used to help in evacuating elderly and disabled people, or those with mobility restrictions in the case of a fire or a critical emergency.

When assisting in evacuating patients what equipment may be used?

Depending on the individual (and scenario), different equipment may be used to help evacuate an individual. For instance, an evacuation sheet is ideal to transfer an individual from one spot to another while an evacuation stetcher is ideal to help scoop the individual up. Both stretchers and sheets are available at Patient Handling.

What brands of patient evacuation aids does Patient Handling offer?

We offer products from a range of leading brands including Molift, Patient Handling and much more.

Patient Evacuation Aids

Our evacuation aids are made for care providers to smoothen the process of evacuating elderly and disabled people with mobility restrictions in case there is an occurrence of fire or a critical emergency. Suppose you require any help in selecting the ideal product, please ensure you contact us. We avail the best fire evacuation equipment for care homes from nothing but the best brands, including Molift and our own Patient Handling. Other products in this category include Slide SheetsWalk Belts, and Patient Transfer Aids


Picture you or a loved one at work, hearing the fire alarm and finally realizing that it is not a drill. Imagine the smoke and panic beginning to fill the atmosphere as everyone rushes about to exit the risky building. Finally, imagine being physically unable to exit on your own and in the chaos being left behind. This is definitely a nightmare; however, for many individuals such as the elderly and people with disabilities, this can be a reality they might face or have already faced one day.

The responsibility of availing evacuation services for commercial premises legally lies with any individual who has any extent of control of the building, for example, the service provider, employers, or owners. Therefore, what are the primary responsibilities of the person responsible for the non-domestic premises?
Retain formal records and regularly update
Develop a strategy to handle an emergency such as evacuation process
Make sure the employees are frequently trained and knowledgeable of all matters of emergency procedures and plans
Consider who might be particularly at risk and any special strategy that requires to be implemented
Carry out frequent fire risk evaluation on the premises
Carry out and maintain ideal fire safety strategies
The most vital question that one needs to answer before deciding to purchase patient evacuation aids for evacuating the elderly and disabled is whether you are in a position to evacuate the premises, down the flights of stairs, without help, in a swift manner in case of emergency. If not, then patient evacuation aids are needed. The most apparent individuals who need them are those who use wheelchairs or have an apparent physical ability. Besides, it is vital to consider people with underlying medical problems, including epilepsy or heart conditions that can be triggered by increased anxiety or exertion in an evacuation process.


They are also significant for individuals with:
Underlying medical conditions
Mobility impairments
Cognitive impairments
Sight impairments
Hearing impairments
Short term injuries, for instance, a broken leg
Temporary medical problems

The most crucial factor within an evacuation plan is securely accompanying an individual down several flights of stairs without subjecting employees or the patient to any risk of injury. The alternatives generally drop down to three primary options:
Evacuation on a mattress implementing either evacuation straps or ski sheet; they are sued in residential care homes and hospitals
Evacuation chairs or stair climbers; others have the ability to descend and ascend stairs.
Evacuation mats or ski pads; there are operators, and users feel more comfortable using as an option to chairs for staircase evacuation.

Fire evacuation equipment for care homes for evacuating elderly and disabled should never be taken lightly. Evacuation aids must never be bought simply for the sake of “having something in position. “When choosing the ideal device, it is essential to determine if the user is able and ready to be evacuated in it, whether the operator is well skilled to use it, and also if it is fit for the interior structure of the building.


For more information about our evacuation aids, please feel free to contact us.

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