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Patient Handling Blog

If you are considering purchasing a ceiling hoist for your home or another environment, there are a few things to assess before making a decision. Firstly, what is your level of ability and how much assistance do you require from your carer? A ceiling hoist may be an option if your carer or yourself are at risk of being harmed in a transferring process. Putting to much strain on yourself or your carer could result in injuries. A ceiling hoist is a permanent installation in your home or space. It consists of a metal frame that is attached to ...
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In July 2013 a trial phase of the NDIS was commenced, known as the NDIS Launch. After recommendations from the Productivity Commission. Australia replaced their previous system of funding people with disabilities. So, what is the NDIS? The NDIS is short for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and provides fundings and support to people with disabilities under the age of 65, as well as their families and carers. While still expanding over Australia, and being trialled in Western Australia, the programme will be fully implemented in 201...
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When assisting and moving patients, the correct equipment is necessary to make this process smooth and prevent injuries. Effective and safe moving and handling of patients also require successful training programmes that allow staff to use the right techniques.

The right equipment might vary depending on the need of the patient and the facility, whether that be a hospital, aged care facility or in the home of the patient.

1. Slide Sheet

Slide sheets facilitate the process of moving and repositioning a patient. It is designed to reduce the effor...

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Creating a safe and comfortable environment can immensely decrease the stress and struggle in everyday life. At Patient Handling, we recommend investing in mobility aids and other equipment to meet your needs and assist an independent lifestyle. ROLLATORS AND WALKERS Falling or tripping is the main reason for injuries for patients and elders, and walking aids can reduce this risk significantly. Walking accidents include minor bumps but can also lead to severe injuries such as fractures and breakages. Walking aids comes in many shapes and siz...
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Selecting the right patient lifting equipment is one thing to consider when improving the comfort at the facility. Implementing a ceiling hoist will noticeably improve the comfort of the patients when being transferred from different locations, as well as being beneficial to caregivers when handling patients. Molift Air Ceiling Hoist Below are five advantages listed of using a ceiling hoist: CONVENIENCE Implement a ceiling hoist into your facility for a quick and efficient way of moving patients. In comparison to other patient handling equipment, a ceiling hois...
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Travelling with a wheelchair might seem intimidating but does not have to be challenging. Bus travel companies are introducing wheelchair accessible buses, and assistance at train stations can help with luggage and provide ramps. Preparation should always be the first step when deciding to travel with the help of public transport. To stay ahead of the game is critical to avoid inconvenient situations. Prepare the wheelchair by pumping the tires alternatively, charging any batteries. If any assistance is needed, searching for information on ser...
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Here at Patient Handling, we believe slide sheets and transfer assist trolleys are excellent for ensuring patient and carer safety. Equipment as such improves the transfer, lifting and repositioning of patients, and it is essential they are used correctly. Slide sheets Slide sheets facilitate the process of moving and repositioning a patient. It is designed to reduce the effort of moving a person up or across the bed, in a chair or during a car transfer. Slide sheets are made from a slippery material and to reduce friction between the patient...
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Patient Transfer

When considering the purchase of equipment for patient lifting and transfers there are some key considerations that will assist with the decision making process.  Whilst both options ultimately perform the same function there are some large differences.  Other than the main benefit of reducing injury to carers in the workplace or home environment and thereby reducing the cost of injuries for a facility or business there are other some other differences to help decide on what best meets your needs.

Molift Rail System and Gantry

Before comparing Ceili...

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Patient Handling is founded on a sound base of great staff, great products and great partners. We strive to put our clients needs above all else and focus on well thought out solutions for complex needs.

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